
Play is conceptualized as a voluntary, open-ended (unstructured) or goal-driven (structured) activity that enhances either physical, mental, cognitive, or social well-being by producing enjoyment and gratification for players of any age, in which the human being employs imagination, creativity, or skill to explore various objects, artifacts, environments, systems, or assemblages of them in order to communicate and interact with oneself or others productively or unproductively,, leisurely or through playbor. Play can consist of goal-oriented action, like in association with games, or more open-ended exploration, as with toys. Contemporary play may take many forms: it can be solitary or social, embedded in the physical, digital, or imaginative, exercised both offline and online as part of leisure, work, and playful learning, extended with and in play(ful) things, tools,, technologies, and media, and engaged in by players of different ages, even between individuals of different generations. Play is lighthearted and serious. Whereas playfulness is an attitude and predisposition to play, play implies action. Play is both a life-wide and life-long phenomenon.
Nota bene: Updates in progression (Spring 2024)
A3 Heljakka, K. (2023). Hobby Horses: A Hobby, Sport or Pure Play? A Contemporary Plaything as Part of Girlhood Leisure Activities in Finland. In Mukherjee, Utsa (Ed.) Childhoods & Leisure: Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues (pp. 113-135). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-33789-5_5
A3 Heljakka, K. (2023). Objects of Resilience: Plush Perspectives. In Beresin, Anns & Bishop, Julia (Eds.) Play in a Covid Frame: Everyday Pandemic Creativity in a Time of Isolation. Open Book Publishers. https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0326.07
A3 Heljakka, K. (2023). Masked Belles and Beasts: Uncovering Toys as Extensions, Avatars and Activists in Human Identity Play. In Masks and Human Connections: Disruptive Meanings and Cultural Challenges (pp. 29-45). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
A1 Heljakka, K. (2023). Building Playful Resilience in Higher Education: Learning by Doing and Doing by Playing. Frontiers in Education (Vol. 8). Frontiers. Sec. Educational Psychology, Volume 8 – 2023, https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2023.1071552
A1 Heljakka, K. (2023). See Me Play! Self-portraiture in pseudo-museums as immersive playscapes for adults. International Journal of Games And Social Impact, Vol. 1 Issue no. 1, 8-33. DOI: 10.24140/ijgsi.v1.n1.01 See Me Play! Self-portraiture in Pseudo-museums as Immersive Playscapes for Adults.pdf (ensinolusofona.pt)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2022). Nallehaaste sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin ja leikillisen resilienssin rakentajana: Tutkimus pandemianaikaisesta pehmoleluleikistä Suomessa. Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja, 72-98. Nallehaaste sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin ja leikillisen resilienssin rakentajana | Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja (journal.fi)
A3 Meriläinen, M., Heljakka, K., & Stenros, J. (2022). Lead fantasies. Material Game Studies: A Philosophy of Analogue Play, 83. leadfantasies.pdf (tuni.fi)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2022). Toys, Comics and Transmedia Play: Tracing the connections between multidimensional storytelling and playability. The Journal of Popular Culture. Vol. 55, Issue 5, 1144-1168. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpcu.13168 Toys, Comics and Transmedia Play: Tracing the connections between multidimensional storytelling and playability (wiley.com)
A3 Heljakka, K. & Blomberg, A. (2022). Materialising Playfulness: Developing a Social Play Space for a Multidisciplinary Research Community. Teoksessa Anderson, Kelly L. (Ed.) Participatory Practice in Space, Place and Service Design. Questions of Access, Engagment and Creative Experience. Vernon Press, 125-144. (AMPS Critical Futures Award 2021) Vernon Press – Participatory Practice in Space, Place, and Service Design [PDF, E-Book] – 9781648895371
A1 C. Sylla, K. Heljakka, A. Catala et al. (2022). Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcci.2022.100489 Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children – ScienceDirect
A3 Heljakka K. (2022). On Longevity and Lost Toys: Sustainable Approaches to Toy Design and Contemporary Play. In Muthu S.S. (Ed.) Toys and Sustainability. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9673-2_2 On Longevity and Lost Toys: Sustainable Approaches to Toy Design and Contemporary Play | SpringerLink
A3 Meriläinen M., Stenros J., & Heljakka K. (2022). The Pile of Shame: The Personal and Social Sustainability of Collecting and Hoarding Miniatures. In: Muthu S.S. (Ed.) Toys and Sustainability. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9673-2_4 The Pile of Shame: The Personal and Social Sustainability of Collecting and Hoarding Miniatures | SpringerLink
A3 Heljakka, K. (2022) Aikuisten leikki leikillisen käänteen aikakaudella. Teoksessa Friman, Usva, Arjoranta, Jonne, Kinnunen, Jani, Heljakka, Katriina & Stenros, Jaakko (toim.) Pelit kulttuurina. Vastapaino, 265-287. Pelit kulttuurina | Vastapaino
A1 Heljakka, K. (2022). ”Pokémaniaa” Porissa 2016–2017: Porua, parjausta ja peli-ilottelua tekstaripalstalla. WiderScreen, 25: Ajankohtaista. http://widerscreen.fi/numerot/ajankohtaista/pokemaniaa-porissa-2016-2017-porua-parjausta-ja-peli-ilottelua-tekstiviestipalstalla/
A1 Lehtonen, M. J., Heljakka, K. & Kosonen, K. (2022). Drawgasms: Playing with expectations and experiences of pleasure through multimodal accounts.
Sexualities. https://doi.org/10.1177/13634607211067346 Drawgasms: Playing with expectations and experiences of pleasure through multimodal accounts – Miikka J Lehtonen, Katriina Heljakka, Krista Kosonen, 2022 (sagepub.com)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2022). Fans, play knowledge, and playful history management. Transformative Works and Cultures, 37. https://doi.org/10.3983/twc.2022.2111. Fans, play knowledge, and playful history management | Transformative Works and Cultures
D2 Heljakka, K. (2021). Teknologisoituva leluleikki — Moniaistisuuden ja digitalisaation merkityksistä leikillisen lukutaidon ytimessä. Kielikukko 4/2021. Finnish Reading Association. ISSN 2670-3548. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1JhCEZQPYjQ9GTn-0DUJkHldOQVWOHR6P
A1 Heljakka, K. (2021). Liberated through teddy bears: resistance, resourcefulness, and resilience in toy play during the COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Play. DOI: 10.1080/21594937.2021.2005402 Full article: Liberated through teddy bears: resistance, resourcefulness, and resilience in toy play during the COVID-19 pandemic (tandfonline.com)
A3 Heljakka, K. (2021). From Playborers and Kidults to Toy Players: Adults who play for Pleasure, Work, and Leisure. In Alemany Oliver, Mathieu & Belk, Russell, W. (Eds.) Like a Child Would Do. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Childlikeness in Past and Current Societies. Universitas Press, Montreal, 177–193. Like a Child Would Do: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Childlikeness in Past and Current Societies, Alemany Oliver, Belk (uchicago.edu)
A3 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2021). Internet of Toys and Forms of Play in Early Education: A longitudinal study of preschoolers’ toy-based learning experiences. In Holloway, Donell & Murcia, Karen (Eds.) Young Children’s Rights in a Digital World: Play, Design and Practice. Children’s Well-being: Research and Indicators. Springer, Cham. Internet of Toys and Forms of Play in Early Education: A Longitudinal Study of Preschoolers’ Toy-Based Learning Experiences | SpringerLink
A1 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2021). Robot Pets as “Serious Toys”- Activating Social and Emotional Experiences of Elderly People. Information Systems Frontiers, Springer. Internet of Toys and Forms of Play in Early Education: A Longitudinal Study of Preschoolers’ Toy-Based Learning Experiences | SpringerLink
A2 Heljakka, K. (2021). Eternal Returns to a Peak Experience: Creating and Curating Play(ful) Tributes to Twin Peaks. WiderScreen 1-2/24. http://widerscreen.fi/numerot/2021-1-2/eternal-returns-to-a-peak-experience-creating-and-curating-playful-tributes-to-twin-peaks/
A1 Heljakka, K. & Räikkönen, J. (2021). Puzzling out “Toyrism”: Conceptualizing value co-creation in toy tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 38, April 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100791 Puzzling out “Toyrism”: Conceptualizing value co-creation in toy tourism – ScienceDirect
A3 Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2020). Lasten ja seniorien kohtaamisia robottikoiran kanssa. Marita Neitola, Juli-Anna Aerila & Merja Kauppinen (Toim.) Rinnalla. Taide, kerronta ja sosiaalisemotionaalinen oppiminen varhaiskasvatuksessa, 261–262. Lasten ja seniorien kohtaamisia robottikoiran kanssa – UTUPub
A3 Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2020). Toy tourism. From Travel Bugs to characters with wanderlust. Teoksessa Nicky van Es, Stijn Reijnders, Leonieke Bolderman ja Abby Waysdorf (toim.) Locating Imagination. Popular Culture, Tourism & Belonging. Routledge, 183–199. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/toy-tourism-katriina-heljakka-pirita-iham%C3%A4ki/e/10.4324/9781003045359-15?context=ubx&refId=05d304a2-8209-4c28-b029-e1831daa482f
A2 Heljakka, K. (2020). Ratsastetut ja rakastetut: Kepparit mediaurheilullistuvan leikin välineinä. Kultuurintutkimus 37 (2020): 3–4. Urheilu- ja liikuntakulttuurin muutos -teemanumero, 114–127. https://journal.fi/kulttuurintutkimus/article/view/91159
A1 Meriläinen, M., Stenros, J. & Heljakka, K. (2020). More Than Wargaming: Exploring the Miniaturing Pastime, Simulation & Gaming, 1–17. More Than Wargaming: Exploring the Miniaturing Pastime – Mikko Meriläinen, Jaakko Stenros, Katriina Heljakka, 2020 (sagepub.com)
A2 Heljakka, K. (2020). Pandemic toy play against social distancing: Teddy bears, window-screens and playing for the common good in times of self-isolation. Wider Screen, 11.5.2020. Pandemic toy play against social distancing: Teddy bears, window-screens and playing for the common good in times of self-isolation – UTU Research Portal – UTU Research Portal
A1 Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2019). Robot dogs, interaction and ludic literacy: Exploring smart toy engagements in transgenerational play. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 46, 115–131. Robot dogs, interaction and ludic literacy: Exploring smart toy engagements in transgenerational play | Revista Lusófona de Educação (ulusofona.pt)
A1 Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2019). Sigrid-Secrets: Pelillistetyn taiteen ja taiteellistetun pelaamisen mahdollisuudet älykaupungin tilassa. Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2019, 45–70. Sigrid-Secrets: Pelillistetyn taiteen ja taiteellistetun pelaamisen mahdollisuudet älykaupungin tilassa – Pelitutkimus.fi
A2 Heljakka, K. (2019). Aina uudelleen leikitty pyhä: Leluilla luodut seimet fanitaiteessa. Wider Screen (Ajankohtaista, joulukuu 2019). Aina uudelleen leikitty pyhä: Leluilla luodut seimet fanitaiteessa (widerscreen.fi)
A2 Heljakka, K. (2019). Vanhentunut Pete. Nostalgia, retrovaatio ja vintageleikki lähtökohtina hahmolelun suunnittelulle, Tekniikan Waiheita, 37(3), 43–56. Vanhentunut Pete | Tekniikan Waiheita (journal.fi)
A1 Heljakka, K. & Harviainen, J.T. (2019). From Displays and Dioramas to Doll Dramas: Adult World Building and World Playing with Toys, American Journal of Play, volume 11, number 3, 351–378. https://www.museumofplay.org/app/uploads/2022/01/11-3-Article-3.pdf
A3 Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2019). Persuasive Toy Friends and Preschoolers: Playtesting IoToys. Teoksessa Giovanna Mascheroni & Donell Holloway (toim.) The Internet of Toys: Practices, Affordances and the Political Economy of Children’s Play. Palgrave. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10898-4_8, 159-178.
B1 Heljakka, K. (2019). PLoP! Leikistä tutkimusta, Säikeitä 2019, 10–11 https://issuu.com/ucpori/docs/saikeita2019_web_sivuittain
A1 Heljakka, K. & Borg, K. (2019). Leikillistyminen osana työkulttuurin muutosta: Leikilliset artefaktit heimokulttuurien toteemeina. Teoksessa Mia Tammelin & Katri Otonkorpi-Lehtoranta. Työelämän tutkimuspäivät 2018. Kestävä tuottavuus ja inhimillinen työelämä. Työelämän tutkimuskeskus, Tampereen yliopisto, 46–55. Työelämän tutkimuspäivät 2018 : Kestävä tuottavuus ja inhimillinen työelämä – Trepo (tuni.fi)
A1 Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2018). Designing a Pervasive Adventure Gamescape: Avoiding the Pitfalls in Creating Augmented LBGs for Playful Learning. Journal of Digital Media & Interaction, 1(2), 75–94. Designing a Pervasive Adventure Gamescape: Avoiding the Pitfalls in Creating Augmented LBGs for Playful Learning | Journal of Digital Media & Interaction (ua.pt)
A2 Heljakka, K. (2018). Disliked and Demonized Dollies: Pediophobia and Popular Toys of the Present, Wider Screen, 2:2. Disliked and demonized dollies: pediophobia and popular toys of the present – UTU Tutkimustietojärjestelmä – UTU Tutkimustietojärjestelmä
A1 Heljakka, K. (2018). Toy Design Universals for the 21st Century: Designing play value in toys for children, adults, and transgenerational players. Proceedings of International Conference Play culture in modern childhood, Moscow, Russia. Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). (Publication in both English and Russian) Toy design universals for the 21st century: Designing play value in toys for children, adults and transgenerational players (toy-experts.ru)
A2 Heljakka, K. (2018). Kasuaalista kilpailulliseksi: Tutkijan autoetnografinen reflektio Mölkyn MM-kilpailuista 2018. Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2018, 60–76. Kasuaalista kilpailulliseksi: Tutkijan autoetnografinen reflektio Mölkyn MM-kilpailuista 2018 – Pelitutkimus.fi
A3 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2018). ”N 61° 29.330 E 021° 47.580” Sigrid-Secrets: Gamifying art experiences through geocaching.” In (eds.) Díaz, L., Dragu, M. & Eilittä, L. (Eds.) Adaptation and Convergence of Media, Aalto Arts Books. Adaptation and Convergence of Media: ”High” Culture Intermediality vs Popular Culture Intermediality — Aalto-yliopiston tutkimusportaaliin
A1 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2018). Verkottunut esineleikki osana esiopetusta: Lelujen Internet leikillisen oppimisen välineenä, Lähikuva 2/2018; erikoisteemanumero Mediakasvatuksen katvealueet. Verkottunut esineleikki osana esiopetusta | Lähikuva – audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin tieteellinen julkaisu (journal.fi)
A3 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2018). The Internet of Toys, Connectedness and Character-based Play in Early Education, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer series. The Internet of Toys, Connectedness and Character-Based Play in Early Education | SpringerLink
A1 Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2018). Preschoolers Learning with the Internet of Toys: From Toy-Based Edutainment to Transmedia Literacy. Seminar.Net, 14(1), 85–102. https://journals.hioa.no/index.php/seminar/article/view/2835
A1 Heljakka, K. (June 2018). Re-playing Legends’ Worlds: Toying with Star Wars’ Expanded Universe in Adult Play, Kinephanos, Vol. 8, Issue 1, June 2018, 98–119. Re-playing Legends’ Worlds: Toying with Star Wars’ Expanded Universe in Adult Play | Kinephanos
A3 Heljakka, K. (2017). Toy Fandom, Adulthood, and the Ludic Age: Creative Material Culture as Play. In Jonathan Gray, Cornel Sandvoss ja C. Lee Harrington (Eds.) Fandom, Second Edition. Identities and Communities in a Mediated World. (pp. 91–105). New York: New York University Press. Fandom, Second Edition: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World – Google-kirjat
A1 Heljakka, K., J.T. Harviainen, J. Suominen (2017 September). Stigma avoidance through visual contextualization. Adult toy play on photosharing social media. New Media & Society First Online. Stigma avoidance through visual contextualization: Adult toy play on photo-sharing social media – Katriina Heljakka, J Tuomas Harviainen, Jaakko Suominen, 2018 (sagepub.com)
A3 Heljakka, K. (2017). Contemporary Toys, Adults and Creative Material Culture: From Wow to Flow to Glow,teoksessa Anna Malinowska & Karolina Lebek(Toim.) Materiality and Popular Culture. The Popular Life of Things, Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Materiality-and-Popular-Culture-The-Popular-Life-of-Things/Malinowska-Lebek/p/book/9781138657809
A3 Borg, K., & Heljakka, K. (2017). Playing with Vincent-the-Duck in the work space: Physical, playful artefacts as totems of organizational symbolism. PuntOorg International Journal, 2(1), 29–57. Playing with Vincent-the-Duck in the work space: Physical, playful artefacts as totems of organizational symbolism | puntOorg International Journal
A2 Heljakka, K. (2017). Pokémon GO(es) Pori: Rajoja rikkovaa pelaamista tekstaripalstalla. Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2017. https://www.pelitutkimus.fi/vuosikirja2017/pokemon-goes-pori-rajoja-rikkovaa-pelaamista-tekstaripalstalla
A1 Heljakka, K. (2016). All dolled up, then photoplayed: The Fashion-oriented practices of adult doll players in the twenty first century, Catwalk, The Journal of Fashion, Beauty and Style, Vol. 5, Nr. 2, September 2016, 43–62. inter-connexions.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/catwalk5-2_print.pdf
A1 Heljakka, K. (2016). Toying with Twin Peaks: Fans, artists and re-playing of a cult-series, Series. International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, Vol 2. Number 2, 2016, https://series.unibo.it/article/view/6589
A1 Heljakka, K. (2016). Fifty Shades of Toys. Notions of Play and Things for Play in the Fifty Shades of Grey Canon, Intensities. Journal of Cult Media, Issue 8/January 2016. https://intensitiescultmedia.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/5-heljakka-fifty-shades-of-toys2.pdf
A3 Heljakka, K. (2016). More than Collectors. Exploring Theorists’, Hobbyists’ and Everyday Players’ Rhetoric in Adult Play with Character Toys, Games and Culture, First Online September 30, 2016. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1555412016670493
A2 Heljakka, K. (2016). Strategies of Social Screen Play(ers) across the Ecosystem of Play: Toys, games and hybrid social play in technologically mediated playscapes, Wider Screen 1–2/2016, http://widerscreen.fi/numerot/2016-1-2/strategies-social-screenplayers-across-ecosystem-play-toys-games-hybrid-social-play-technologically-mediated-playscapes/
A1 Heljakka, K. (2015). Toys and War. ViCCA Journal. Theme Crisis, Aalto University.
A1 Heljakka, K. (2015). Leikkitieto 2015: Pelillistyvä nukkeleikki leikillisen käänteen aikakaudella, Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2015, 98–119. http://www.pelitutkimus.fi/vuosikirja2015/ptvk2015-07.pdf
A1 Heljakka, K. (2015). From Toys to Television and Back: My Little Pony Appropriated in Adult Toy Play, Journal of Popular Television, Vol. 3, Nr.1, 99–119. From toys to television and back: My Little Pony appropriated in adult toy play | Intellect (intellectdiscover.com)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2015). Toys as Tools for Skill-building and Creativity in Adult Life, Seminar.Net, International journal of media, technology and lifelong learning, Vol. 11, Issue 2. http://seminar.net/images/stories/vol11-issue2/5_Katriina_Heljakka.pdf
A2 Heljakka, K. (2015). Lelulaatikon rajoja rikkomassa: Tapaus Ken ja samanarvoistuvat nykyleikit, Wider Screen Nro. 2, 2015. http://widerscreen.fi/numerot/2015-3/lelulaatikon-rajoja-rikkomassa-tapaus-ken-samanarvoistuvat-nykyleikit/
E1 Heljakka, K. (2015). Lelut taiteessa, taide leluissa: Leikkivälineen taiteellinen asema leikillisen käänteen aikakaudella. Pori Art Museum. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/291312346_Lelut_taiteessa_taide_leluissa_Leikkivalineen_taiteellinen_asema_leikillisen_kaanteen_aikakaudella
Katriina Heljakka – Lelut taiteessa, taide leluissa – YouTube
B1 Mäyrä, F., Heljakka, K., & Seisto, A. (2014). Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue. Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association, 1(3). Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue | Mäyrä | Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (todigra.org)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2014). Aikuiset ulos lelukaapeistaan. Lektio. Kulttuurintutkimus, 31 (2014): 1, Verkkoekstra. (PDF) Kulttuurintutkimus (researchgate.net)
.D1 Heljakka, K. (2014). This is Play – Reflections on playful artworks (as means for toy research). 11.6.2014. Kulttuurilehti Mustekala. http://mustekala.info/teemanumerot/pori-2-14-volume-55/this-is-play-reflections-on-playful-artworks-as-means-for-toy-research/
A1 Heljakka, K. (2013). Lelutarinointia Tuubissa: Leikkijä ja liikkuvat Uglydoll-kuvat, Wider Screen, 2–3. Lelutarinointia Tuubissa: Leikkijä ja liikkuvat Uglydoll-kuvat (widerscreen.fi)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2013). Lectio. Synnyt/Origins, 3/2013. https://www.academia.edu/es/20511719/SYNNYT_ORIGINS_3_2013_21
G4 Heljakka, K. (2013). Principles of Adult Play(fulness) in Contemporary Toy Cultures. From Wow to Flow to Glow. Väitöskirja. Aalto yliopisto. shop.aalto.fi/media/filer_public/39/4c/394c2828-5d5c-4970-87e7-4214d665146a/heljakka.pdf
A1 Heljakka, K. (2012). Aren’t you a doll. Toying with avatars in digital playgrounds. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds. Vol. 4, Issue 2, 153–170. Aren’t you a doll! Toying with avatars in digital playgrounds | Intellect (intellectdiscover.com)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2012). Lelukuvasta kuvaleikkiin: lelukulttuurin kuriositeetti ja kaksoisrepresentaatio valokuvassa Lähikuva, 24 (2011): 4. Lelukuvasta kuvaleikkiin : lelukulttuurin kuriositeetti ja kaksoisrepresentaatio valokuvassa | Lähikuva – audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin tieteellinen julkaisu (journal.fi)
A2 Heljakka, K. (2012). Hybridisyys ja pelillistyminen leikkituotteissa: de-materiaalisen ja re-materiaalisen rajankäyntiä. Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2012, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, 82–91. ptvk2012-08.pdf (pelitutkimus.fi)
A3 Heljakka, K. (2011). Nettisuhteita nukkeen. Blythe: Kummajaisesta kulttikamaksi. Teoksessa (Toim.) Saarikoski, P., Heinonen, U. & Turtiainen, R. Digirakkaus, 2, TuY Kultt.t. ja maisemant. julk. 3, 75–90. (PDF) Nettisuhteita nukkeen: Blythe. Kummajaisesta kulttikamaksi. | Katriina Heljakka – Academia.edu
A2 Heljakka, K. (2011). “License to thrill” – Lisenssit: lautapelisuunnittelun lyhyt oppimäärä.
Teoksessa Suominen, Jaakko, Raine Koskimaa, Frans Mäyrä, Olli Sotamaa ja Riikka Turtiainen
(toim.): Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2011. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto, 46–54. ptvk2011-05.pdf (pelitutkimus.fi)
A3 Heljakka, K. (2010). Peter Pan ja lelulaatikon lumo. Teoksessa (Toim.) Turtiainen, R. & Östman, S. Rappio. Esseitä ”turhan” tutkimisesta, 59–69. Microsoft Word – RAPPIO abstrakti.doc (wordpress.com)
A1 Heljakka, K. (2010). Hiljaisen tiedon pelikentällä. Lautapelisuunnittelu vuorovaikutusprosessina. Teoksessa Suominen, J., Koskimaa, R., Mäyrä, F. & Sotamaa, O.(toim.) Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2010, 22–32. ptvk2010-03.pdf (pelitutkimus.fi)
D1 Heljakka, K. (2009). Hello Kitschy! Lelumaiset esineet ja pinnan lumo. Kulttuurilehti Mustekala. Kitsch, glitter ja luksus -erikoisnumero, Julkaistu 21.2.2009. http://mustekala.info/teemanumerot/kitsch-glitter-ja-luksus-1-09/hello-kitschy-lelumaiset-esineet-ja-pinnan-lumo/
G2 Heljakka, Katriina (2007). The Art of Making a Game – Analyzing and Managing the Creative Process behind (Board) Game Development. Master’s Thesis. University of Art and Design, Helsinki.

A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2023). Co-Playing with SurveyCubes in a Children’ Museum: Piloting a Physical, Playful and Participatory Surveying Tool. Proceedings of 2023 Hawaii International Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education, January 4–6, 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii. Heljakka, Katriina ¹ & Ihamäki, Pirita ² | Arts Humanities Hawaii
A4 Heljakka, K. I. (2022, November). Reading Ron Right: Speculative Toy Fiction, Friendship and Design of Future IoToys. In Proceedings of the 25th International Academic Mindtrek Conference (pp. 334-338). Proceedings of the 25th International Academic Mindtrek Conference | ACM Other conferences
A4 Heljakka, K., Lamminen, A. & Ihamäki, P. (2021). A Model for Enhancing Emotional Literacy through Playful Learning with a Robot Dog. In Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) 7-8 October 2021, Mauritius. A Model for Enhancing Emotional Literacy through Playful Learning with a Robot Dog | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
A4 Ihamäki, P., & Heljakka, K. (2021, July). Developing Interactive Company Presentations in the 3D Glue Virtual Reality Environment: A Collaborative Educational Approach. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 185-196). Springer, Cham. Developing Interactive Company Presentations in the 3D Glue Virtual Reality Environment: A Collaborative Educational Approach | SpringerLink
A4 Heljakka, K. (2021). Children’s Games from Bruegel’s Art to 21st Century Play: Exploring Evolving Toys and Technology. Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference Today’s Children Game Culture, 22.-23.9.2021, Moscow. (Publication in both English and Russian).
D3 Franzén, R., Heljakka, K. & Nieminen, L. (2021). Leikilliset lähestymistavat yrittäjyyden yliopisto-opetuksessa. Yrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät 2020 -julkaisu. Yrittäjyyskasvatuksen Tutkimusseura ry. https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/444061/URNISBN9789523443174.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2021). Robot Dog Intervention with the Golden Pup: Activating Social and Empathy Experiences of Elderly People as Part of Intergenerational Interaction, In Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1888–1897. Microsoft Word – HICSS-54_Submission ID 1968_CAMERA READY_10112020.docx (aisnet.org)
A4 Ihamäki P., Heljakka K. (2021). Internet of Art: Exploring Mobility, AR and Connectedness in Geocaching Through a Collaborative Art Experience. In: Arai K., Kapoor S., Bhatia R. (eds.) Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020, Volume 2. FTC 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1289. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63089-818 Internet of Art: Exploring Mobility, AR and Connectedness in Geocaching Through a Collaborative Art Experience | SpringerLink
A4 Heljakka, K., Ihamäki, P. & Lamminen, A. (2020). Playing with the Opposite of Uncanny: Empathic Responses to Learning with a Companion-Technology Robot Dog vs. Real Dog. In Proceedings of ACM CHI PLAY ’20 EA, November 2-4, 2020, Virtual Event, Canada Association for Computing Machinery. A262-266, 2020 ACM, New York, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/1234567890 Playing with the Opposite of Uncanny | Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (acm.org)
A4 Heljakka, K. & Tuomi, P. (2020). Doll-dramas & provocative TV. Proceedings of the GameOn Conference, In (Eds.) Ana Veloso, Oscar Mealha and Liliana Costa (2020) 21st International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, GAME-ON2020, 24. –25.9.2020, Aveiro, Portugal. A Publication of EUROSIS-ETI, 67–70. (PDF) Gamified Doll-Dramas: Provocations, Playbor and Participatory Play Practices in the Age of iTV (researchgate.net)
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2020). Case Workshop Gamified Airport Security. In (Eds.) Ana Veloso, Oscar Mealha and Liliana Costa 21st International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, GAME-ON2020, 24. –25.9.2020, Aveiro, Portugal. A Publication of EUROSIS-ETI, 5–12. (PDF) Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2020) Co-Creating Gamified Service Design – Case Gamified Airport Security Workshop, In (Eds.) Ana Veloso, Oscar Mealha and Liliana Costa (2020) 21st International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, GAME-ON2020, A Publication of EUROSIS-ETI, 5-12. (researchgate.net)
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2020). Toys Traveling through Geocaching: Mobile, Social and Hybrid Values of Play. Proceedings of DiGRa (Digital Games Research Association) Conference 2.–6.6., Tampere. digra.org/wp-content/uploads/digital-library/DiGRA_2020_paper_80.pdf
A4 Franzén, R., Heljakka, K. & Nieminen, L. (2020). Playful Approaches to Entrepreneurial Competencies in University Teaching–Introducing the 4Cs Model. Proceedings of Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference affiliated Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, July 16–20, San Diego, California. Springer, Cham. Playful Approaches to Entrepreneurial Competencies in University Teaching: Introducing the 4Cs Model | SpringerLink
A4 Catala, A., Sylla, C., Ozgur, A. G., Ihamäki, P., & Heljakka, K. (2020, June). Smart toys, smart tangibles, robots and other smart things for children. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts (pp. 38-45). ACM. Smart toys, smart tangibles, robots and other smart things for children | Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2020). Out of the Box, Into the Cubes: Envisioning User Experiences through a Tool for Gamification, Toyification and Playification. In Proceedings (eds. A. Brooks & E. Brooks) Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 8th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2019, and 4th EAI International Conference, DLI 2019, Aalborg, Denmark, November 6-7, 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Proceedings, Springer. Out of the Box, into the Cubes: Envisioning User Experiences Through a Tool for Gamification, Toyification and Playification | SpringerLink
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2020). Social and emotional learning with a robot dog: technology, empathy and playful learning in kindergarten. 2020 Hawaii International Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education, January 6–8, 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii. (PDF) Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2020) Social and Emotional Learning with a Robot Dog: Technology, Empathy and Playful Learning in Kindergarten. In 9th Annual Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Conference 6-8 of January 2020, Honolulu Hawaii, United State of America (researchgate.net)
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P., Tuomi, P., Saarikoski, P. (2019). Gamified Coding: Toy Robots and Playful Learning in Early Education. The 2019 International Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2019), 5–7.12.2019, Las Vegas, USA. IEEE. (Outstanding Achievement Award) Gamified Coding: Toy Robots and Playful Learning in Early Education | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
A4 Heljakka, K., Ihamäki, P. (2019). Ready, Steady, Move! Coding Toys, Preschoolers, and Mobile Playful Learning. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Ubiquitous and Virtual Environments for Learning and Collaboration. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11591. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21817-1_6 (Best Paper Award) Ready, Steady, Move! Coding Toys, Preschoolers, and Mobile Playful Learning (springer.com)
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2019, October). Toys That Mobilize: Past, Present and Future of Phygital Playful Technology. In Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference, 25-26 October 2019, San Francisco (pp. 625–640). Springer, Cham. Toys That Mobilize: Past, Present and Future of Phygital Playful Technology | SpringerLink
A4 Heljakka, K. (2019). Toys and Universal Guidelines for Design: A Designerly Perspective on Playability of Character Toys. Universal Design 2019 Conference, Bangkok. Toys and Universal Guidelines for Design: A Designerly Perspective on Playability of Character Toys | Request PDF (researchgate.net)
A4 Ihamäki, P., & Heljakka, K. (2019). The Internet of Art as a site for learning and fun-Playful experiences through augmented geocaching. Proceedings of GamiFIN 2019 Conference (pp. 205–216). paper18.pdf (ceur-ws.org)
A4 Heljakka, K. (2018). Rethinking Adult Toy Play in the Age of Ludic Liberation: Imaginative, Visual
and Social Object-Interactions of Mature Players. 8th International Toy Research Association World Conference, International Toy Research Association (ITRA), Jul 2018, Paris, France. hal-02090957 Rethinking Adult Toy Play in the Age of Ludic Liberation: Imaginative, Visual and Social Object-Interactions of Mature Players – Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (hal.science)
A4 Thibault, M. & Heljakka, K. (2018). Toyification. A Conceptual Statement. 8th International Toy Research Association World Conference, International Toy Research Association (ITRA), Jul 2018, Paris, France. hal-02083004 https://hal-univ-paris13.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02083004/document
A4 Ihamäki, P. and Heljakka, K. (2018). “Travel Bugs”: Toys Traveling Socially through Geocaching, DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) Conference, July 25–28, Turin, Italy. Microsoft Word – DiGRA_11.4.2018.docx
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2018). Designing an Urban Adventure Gamescape: Avoiding the Pitfalls in Creating Opportunities for Learning through Location-Based Games, Proceedings of Play 2 Learn, April 19, Lisbon, Portugal. [PDF] Designing an Urban Adventure Gamescape: Avoiding the Pitfalls in Creating Opportunities for Learning Through Location-Based Games | Semantic Scholar
A4 Ihamäki, P., & Heljakka, K. (2018). Smart toys for game-based and toy-based learning: study of toys marketers’, preschool teachers’ and parents’ perspectives on play. In (Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Human-Oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies and Services, CENTRIC, 14-18 October, Nice (pp. 14–18). [PDF] Smart Toys for Game-based and Toy-based Learning A Study of Toy Marketers’, Preschool teachers’ and Parents’ Perspectives on Play | Semantic Scholar
A4 Ihamäki, P. and Heljakka, K. (2018). Come and play service designer with us! Co-creating a playable customer journey installation, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2018), Bath, UK, January 31st–February 2nd, 2018. COME AND PLAY SERVICE DESIGNER WITH US! – CO-CREATING A PLAYABLE CUSTOMER JOURNEY INSTALLATION / The Design Society
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2018). Out of the Classroom, into the Park: Gamified Art Experiences and Learning through Play in Urban Playscapes, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, 9–11 January 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii.
A4 Ihamäki, P. and Heljakka, K. (2018). Smart, skilled and connected in the 21st Century: Educational promises of the Internet of Toys (IoToys), Proceedings of Hawaii University International Conferences, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education, January 3–6, 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii.
A4 Heljakka, K. (2018). Bel far niente? Photography as Productive Play in Creative Cultures of the 21st Century. Proceedings of Fotografia e culture visuali del XXI secolo Conference, Rome, December 2014. Saggio Grespi in Menduni.pdf (unibg.it)
D4 Paavilainen, J., Heljakka, K., Arjoranta, J., Kankainen, V., Lahdenperä, L., Koskinen, E., Kinnunen, J., Sihvonen, L., Nummenmaa, T., Mäyrä, F. and Koskimaa, R. (2018). Hybrid Social Play Final Report. Trim research reports, (26). Hybrid Social Play Final Report | Semantic Scholar
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2017). Workshop on the Internet of Toys – Character Toys with Digital Dimensions and Connections, AcademicMindtrek 2017, 21–21 September, 2017, Tampere. Workshop on the internet of toys | Proceedings of the 21st International Academic Mindtrek Conference (acm.org)
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2017). Comicubes-konseptointityökalua kehittämässä: Kartonkikuutiot pelillistämisen, leikillistämisen ja lelullistamisen (tutkimuksen) lähtökohtana), TiedeAreena 2017, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Porin laitos.
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2017). The Sigrid-Secrets Geocaching Trail: Influencing Well-being through a Gamified Art Experience. Proceedings of the GamiFIN Conference, 9–10.5.2017, Pori, Finland. [01/06/2017] gamifin17_p10.pdf (ceur-ws.org)
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2017). Digital natives and Cardboard Cubes: Co-Creating a Physical Play(ful) Ideation Tool with Preschool Children”, IDC’17 June 27–30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA. Digital Natives and Cardboard Cubes | Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children (acm.org)
A4 Ihamäki, P. & Heljakka, K. (2017). Gamification of the Customer Journey at Ski Resort, Design Management Academy Conference 2017, Research perspectives on creative interactions, 7–9.6.2017, Hong Kong, China. Gamification of the Customer Journey at a Ski Resort | Semantic Scholar
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2017). N 61° 29.330 E 021° 47.580”. Sigrid-Secrets: Taide-elämyksiä geokätköillen, TiedeAreena 2016, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Porin laitos.
A4 Heljakka, K. & Ihamäki, P. (2016). Comicubes – A playful tool to stimulate (design) creativity, Celebration Contemplation, 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion 27–30.9.2016, Amsterdam, Holland, 387-394. (PDF) Heljakka, K., & Ihamäki, P. (2016) Comicubes – A playful tool to stimulate (design) creativity (researchgate.net)
A4 Kultima, A., Nummenmaa, T., Savolainen, S., Holopainen, J., Heljakka, K., Kankainen, V., Alha, K. Mäyrä, F. (2016). Towards a framework for analysing playful interventions – Lessons from a pink sandbox full of dice. Proceedings of Celebration Contemplation, 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion 27-30.9.2016, Amsterdam, Holland, 403–410. Towards a framework for analysing playful interventions-Lessons from a pink sandbox full of dice — Tampere University Research Portal (tuni.fi)
A4 Heljakka, K. (2015). Lelullistuva maailma ja pelillistyvät leikit, TiedeAreena 2015.
A4 Heljakka, K. (2011). Fantastic Relationships. Adult bonding with designed dolls. Proceedings of the IASDR 2009 Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 1039–1050. Conferences (iasdr.net)
A4 Heljakka, K. (2010). Toying with Creative Design: Starting to Design Instruments of Play. DS 66–2: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2010). ds66-B13 (1).pdf
A4 Heljakka, K. (2009). Toy stories. Design. Play. Display. Adult Experience with designer toys. Proceedings of The Nordic Conference on Experience, Vaasa, 20–45. (PDF) Toy stories. Design, Play, Display. Adult experience with designer toys. (researchgate.net)

Heljakka, K. (2023) Creativity from the toy box: What if we designed a more playful future? Helsinki Design Week, Creve/HUMAK/G Live Lab, 14.9.2023. Creative Business Days VOL#1 – Imagine! – Helsinki Design Week
Heljakka, K. (2023) Liikuttava leikki, Työpaja seminaarissa Liikkuva koulu ja oppiva yhteisö, Lahti 25.-26.4.2023.
Heljakka, K. (2022) Ajattelen, koska voin. Paneelikeskustelu luovuudesta ja hulluudesta. Sfääri ry, 10.12.2022, Turku. Lähteessä https://www.sfaariry.fi/ajattelen-koska-voin-10-12-2022/
Heljakka, K. (marraskuu 2022) Kestävän leikin välineet, ympäristöt- ja kulttuurit -paneelikeskustelu. (asiantuntijapaneeli). Kestävän leikin symposium, 11.11.2022. Lähteessä https://leikkipaiva.fi/kestavan-leikin-valineet-ymparistot-ja-kulttuurit-paneelikeskustelu-kestavan-leikin-symposiumissa-11-11-2022/
Heljakka, K. (heinäkuu 2022) Naiset talouselämän keskiössä, milloin toteutuu? MTV3, SuomiAreena (asiantuntijapaneeli), 15.7.2022. Lähteessä https://www.mtv.fi/sarja/suomiareena-1451/naiset-talouselaman-keskiossa-milloin-toteutuu-20350000
Heljakka, K. (heinäkuu 2022) Mikä liikuttaa ja leikittää perheitä? Paneelikeskustelu, Jyväskylän kesä 12.7.2022. Lähteessä https://live.virtualeventstudio.fi/jklkesa22-mika-liikuttaa-ja-leikittaa-perheita
Heljakka, K. (kesäkuu 2022) Aikuisten leikeistä (seminaaripuheenvuoro). Opetushallituksen Liikkuva varhaiskasvatus -verkoston 10-vuotisjuhlaseminaari, Helsinki.
Heljakka, K. (toukokuu 2022) Ulos lelulaatikon raameista – Leikillisyys on avain luovuuteen (keynote luento) Museopäivät 2022, 19.5.2022, Maarianhamina.
Heljakka, K. (toukokuu 2022) Liikuttava leikki. (asiantuntijapaneeli). Liikkuen läpi elämän -seminaari, 4.5.2022, Logomo, Turku.
Heljakka, K. (2021) Teknologisoituva ja verkottuva leikki. (esitelmä) Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Leikkipäivä-webinaari 3.11.2021. Lähteessä: https://leikkipaiva.fi/tutkimustietoa-leikista/muuntuva-leikki-seminaari/
Heljakka, K. (2021) Leksaksforskaren på upptäcktsfärd in den teknologiserande lekens värld (festföredrag) Svensk Damafton 2.10.2021 Svenska Klubben, Björneborg.
Heljakka, K. (2020) ”Leikin merkitys poikkeusoloissa” -paneeli (asiantuntija paneelissa), Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Hyvinvointia leikistä -seminaari 5.11.2020 klo 12-16, Kansallismuseon auditorio, Helsinki. Lähteessä https://leikkipaiva.fi/hyvinvointia-leikista-seminaari/
TiedeAreena (2020) ”Pitääks aina olla kivaa? -viihteellistyvä elämämme”, TiedeAreena2020, Porin yliopistokeskus. 25.9.2020 (asiantuntija paneelissa). Lähteessä https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6ZsWeGhQn4
I1 Heljakka, K. (2019) ”Vapaus leikkiä—leikillisten tilojen utopioista”. Rosenlew Museon –luentosarja 2019. YouTube video museon sivuilla, lähteessä https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUKD_RpDI6Q
I1 Heljakka, K. (2019) ”Leikillistyvä kulttuuri. Näkökulmia leikillistymiseen ja lelullistumiseen”. Kulttuurihubi, Tekniikan Museo Helsinki, 17.9.2019.
I1 Heljakka, K. (2019) ”Näin leikkii aikuinen”. Lasten yliopistoluento. TiedeAreena, Porin yliopistokeskus. Osa luennosta taltioitu Porin yliopistokeskuksen TiedeAreena 2019 -koostevideoon, lähteessä https://ucpori.fi/fi-fi/tutkimus/tiedeareena/37/
Heljakka, K. (2019) “Guts, Courage And (Playful) Resilience. What it takes to be a player in the happiest country of the world”. Luento. Soroptimist Leadership Academy, 24.6.2020.
SuomiAreena (2019) Ainako mun pitää oppia? -panelisti. SuomiAreena 17.7.2019.
Heljakka, K. (2018) Internet of Toys. Interview with Katriina Heljakka. Future Technologies Conference 2018, lähteessä http://tech-conference.blogspot.com/2018/12/interview-with-katriina-heljakka.html
I1 Heljakka, K. (2018) “From the Wow, Flow, Glow to How. Mastering the Art and Methods of Studying Toy Play.” IMC Bootcamp Playtrack, Aarhus University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s3uqTQFPD0&feature=youtu.be
I1 Heljakka, K. (2018) ”Vaaleanpunainen viekoittelija vai viaton leikin väline? Nukkeneiti Robertsin (valta-)asema kehon, kulutuksen ja luovan leikin kulttuureissa”. Helsingin yliopiston Tiedekulma 23.5.2018
I1 Heljakka, K. (2018) Studia Generalia –luento; ”Aikuisten leikki”, Pelitutkimus Suomessa –luentosarja, huhtikuu 2018. YouTube –video luennosta lähteessä https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrDCTkOawwA
I1 Heljakka, K. (2017) ”Ludic Liberation. Adults, toys and the importance of play beyond collecting.” Luento Superwood-festivaaleilla, Hotelli Rantapuisto, Helsinki 19.10.2017. https://www.superwoodfestival.com/kati-heljakka
SuomiAreena (2017) Yle SuomiAreenalla: Voiko tietokonepeleillä parantaa päänsä?, Suomi Areena 11.7.2016. https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-9016406
I1Heljakka, K. (2016) ”Leikki, leikillisyys ja lelut. Lelututkijan puheenvuoro leluista ja niiden merkityksestä nykypäivänä”, Luento Designmuseo, Helsinki, 26.1.2016.
I1 Heljakka, K. (2015) ”Pelaajia koukuttamassa” JES Stagella Pelit – Kati Heljakka, 27.5.2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA8TsTcyUXE
I1 Heljakka, K. (2015) Luento Porin Taidemuseolla: ”Lelu taiteessa, taide lelussa”; YouTube video museon sivuilla, lähteessä http://www.poriartmuseum.fi/fin/nayttelyt/2015/166/
Heljakka, K. (2014) Studia Generalia –luento: ”Leikin taju ‒ lelututkijan mietteitä leikistä ja sen välineistä”, Lasten oikeuksien päivä 20.11.2014, MLL: Koko Suomi leikkii –hanke.
Heljakka, K. (2014) Kansallinen pelipäivä –yleisöluento: Pelitilanne, lelututkija puhuu leikillistymisestä ja pelisuunnittelusta, 15.11.2014 Porin kirjasto.
Heljakka, K. (2012) Muotoiluaiheinen-paneeli Suomi Areena, heinäkuu 2012.
Heljakka, K. (2012) Aikuiset, leikki & design. 8.11.2012 Joy&Play in Business. Idean House Helsinki.